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Meet our TAU Fellows!

Congratulations to our 6 TAU Organizing Fellows! This semester we are participating in a partnership program through the AFT Michigan to reinvigorate organizing efforts on campus. Our fellows participated in a 2 day intensive organizing training and have been out on campus having conversations with potential members of the union! 

Welcome to the TAU team! 

  • Kyra Bebus (PhD- Psychology) 
  • Kevin Haynes (MS- Geography) 
  • Zach Nicely (MFA- Music) 
  • Lauren Weiss (PhD- Math Education) 
  • Marty Malfroid (MFA- Music) 
  • Ronnie Miller (PhD- Sociology) 

If you are interested in learning how to have organizing conversations or are interested in being a department steward our fellows are looking for volunteers to go out organizing with! You can email our staff, for more information and to sign up for a shift! 

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